S2CENE Final meeting!
S2CENE Final Project Meeting!
Between the last Thursday, 23rd November and Friday, 24th, S2CENE partners gathered for the final transnational project meeting hosted by INOVA+ in Matosinhos.
This meeting had as main objectives the outlining of the final steps in the project closure phase, namely summarising the project’s results, the defining specific actions for further utilization of these outcomes, approving the final exploitation plan, formulating meaningful policy recommendations, and finally, reviewing the final version of the project reports. This review covered details relating to the general structure of the project results and the online publication of these transferable results.
The first meeting day was initiated by looking into the project’s progression, followed by the analysis of the project’s main results and a revision of the final version of the deliverables. Secondly, the partners discussed the definition of concrete actions for the exploitation of the main project results, aiming at ensuring the sustainability of its practices beyond the project’s timeline.
On the the 23rd of November, there was also space and time for assembling the last-minute details for the S2CENE’s Final Conference: New Directions for Second Chance Education in Europe: Results of the S2CENE KA3 Erasmus Project.
The second meeting day was dedicated to the approval of the final version of the exploitation plan, and a revision of narrative aspects for writing the final report.
On the 24th of November, all the partners also had the opportunity to visit Escola de Segunda Oportunidade de Matosinhos (ESOM), a Second Chance Education School located in Portugal and managed by S2CENE project’s coordinator, AE20.
This visit provided insightful moments, allowing all partners to connect with the Second Chance School field approach, getting to know ESOM students’ testimonies on their educational journey before and after joining this Portuguese SCS learning community and being part of several cultural immersive experiences through dramatic expression, art, culinary and music. Partners also had the opportunity to lunch at ESOM, tasting the delightful dishes prepared by its students. Explore the media gallery to engage in this experience!
The last meeting day ended with partners’ perspectives on further networking and practice sharing, and the final meeting evaluation.
Get to know more about Second Chance Education and join us into the journey of adding more schools and countries to our networks! And, of course, follow us in Facebook, Twitter and, finally, in LinkedIn too!
Get to know more about Second Chance Education and join us into the journey of adding more schools and countries to our networks! And, of course, follow us in Facebook, Twitter and, finally, in LinkedIn too!