S2CENE Consortium works together at E2C Paris during the TPM

Transnational Project Meeting, s’il vous plaît!

Welcome to Paris! S2CENE Consortium has officially started the work at the TPM in Paris, hosted by E2C Paris, which represent our partners E2C in the French capital.

Today’s agenda deals with the strategies to allocate new networks of Second Chance Schools all around Europe. Our partners of NBU (Bulgaria) and Dante (Croatia) provide the insights of countries which have not developed yet a SCS network, while AE2O (Portugal) and E2C (France) offer their experience in this topic and INOVA+ (Portugal) supports from the strategical & organizational perspective.

S2CENE aims to create national centres in every country involved which can coordinate and expand the existing the current national networks or, for those countries which don’t have one yet, implement the methodology and way of working that has been proven successful for decades in countries such as Germany, Portugal, Spain or France.

And this is just the beginning! Does the project sound interesting? Please join us at tomorrow’s Open Event to learn more about Second Chance Schools from the pioneer of SCS in Europe, former Prime Minister of France and European Commissioner Mrs. Édith Cresson! Enrol here!